
{html_image} is a custom function that generates an HTML <img> tag. The height and width are automatically calculated from the image file if they are not supplied.

Attribute Name Type Required Default Description
file string Yes n/a name/path to image
height string No actual image height Height to display image
width string No actual image width Width to display image
basedir string no web server doc root Directory to base relative paths from
alt string no Alternative description of the image
href string no n/a href value to link the image to
path_prefix string no n/a Prefix for output path

Technical Note

{html_image} requires a hit to the disk to read the image and calculate the height and width. If you don't use template caching, it is generally better to avoid {html_image} and leave image tags static for optimal performance.

Example 8.8. {html_image} example

{html_image file='pumpkin.jpg'}
{html_image file='/path/from/docroot/pumpkin.jpg'}
{html_image file='../path/relative/to/currdir/pumpkin.jpg'}


Example output of the above template would be:

<img src="pumpkin.jpg" alt="" width="44" height="68" />
<img src="/path/from/docroot/pumpkin.jpg" alt="" width="44" height="68" />
<img src="../path/relative/to/currdir/pumpkin.jpg" alt="" width="44" height="68" />